Glimpses of The Devi Bhagavatam: 25. PRIDE HAS A FALL – FOR ALL!



Glimpses of The Devi Bhagavatam:


Vritra went away to Mount Gandhamadan and concentrated on Brahma. Indra, as expected, sent his nymphs to disturb him, but in vain.

At last Brahma appeared before Vritra. “O Lord, bless me so that I remain immune to all attacks with weapons made of metal or wood–or any such stuff. Secondly, bless me that the more I fight, the more powerful I grow.”

“Let it be so,” said Brahma and he disappeared. Vritra returned to Twastu-Prajapati and reported to him of his success.

“Excellent. Now we can look forward to further avenging the innocent Viswarup’s death at the hands of Indra,” exclaimed Twastu-Prajapati.

Twastu Prajapati ordered Vritra to destroy Indra and his citadel by all means. Vritra marched upon the domain of gods.

The news reached Indra in no time. He got ready to face the attack. The sages got panicky at the imminent war. Frequent strifes between the gods and demons were disturbing their peace very much. The demons did not go satisfied with humiliating only the gods; they found it great fun to harass the sages, too.

For a long time, Indra had no occasion to fight as powerful a foe as Vritrasur. He prepared his army with great care. As soon as Vritra reached the gateway to heaven, Indra came out with his soldiers to confront him.

A terrible battle ensued. Vritra dereated Indra and imprisoned him and then gulped him! Gods who witnessed that cried in horror. Some of them ran to their guru Brihaspati, and reported the happening to him.

Brihaspati had never expected such a predicament to come to Indra in so short a time. There was nothing surprising in the demons inflicting a defeat on the gods. But Vritra swallowing up Indra was a terrific feat!

Brihaspati sat in meditation. He declared after a while, “It is a matter of consolation that Indra remains unharmed inside Vritra!”

The gods consulted among themselves and created a power called Jrimbhika. The said power entered Vritra and made him yawn. As soon as Vritra opened his mouth and yawned, Indra leaped out to his freedom.

The gods raised joyous shouts. But Indra himself was far from being happy. Although he escaped, the experience was quite humiliating. But for the intervention of a yawn, he would have remained in the demon’s tummy!

Indra was defeated in the next phase of the battle, too. Vritra entered Amaravati and plundered the wealth of the gods. He occupied Indra’s throne. The gods fled and took shelter at different places. The domain of gods now became the pleasure city of the demons.

Twastu was very happy at his son’s success. The demons went mad with joy. They danced and took out crazy processions on earth, in heaven, as well as through the nether world.

The gods went to Lord Shiva and told him prayfully, “We take refuge with you. Please protect us.”

“I shall discuss the issue with Brahma and Vishnu. None but Vishnu can vanquish Vritra,” said Shiva.

The gods followed Shiva first to the presence of Brahma and then, along with the latter, to Vaikuntha where Vishnu lived.

Vishnu heard all about the plight of the gods. He looked at Brahma smilingly and told the gods, “It is by virtue of Brahma’s boon that Vritra has grown so powerful. Well, there is nothing wrong in one following certain discipline and obtaining some power; but it is unfortunate that one should use such power for evil ends–for satisfying his own vanity. It is not possible to defeat the terrible and wicked demon in a straight fight. We must find some other way–probably in the manner in which I had suppressed Bali as Vamana or had kept the nectar out of the reach of the demons, in the guise of Mohini. Go and ask Indra to negotiate with Vritra for peaceful co-existence. What is more important, pray to Yogamaya, the Divine Mother. You can have no success without her help.”

The gods went to Mount Meru and devoted themselves to the worship of Yogamaya. The goddess appeared before them at last. She was clothed in dazzling red and she held a glittering trident. She had three eyes.

The gods prostrated themselves to her and then said, “O Mother, we are rendered helpless. Vritrasur has captured our domain. As if that is not enough, the demons are chasing us and tormenting us. Who but you can come to our rescue?”

Yogamaya assured them of her help and disappeared.

The gods sent a messenger to Vritra to negotiate for a compromise with Indra. He met Vritra and told him: “O Monarch of Demons, now that your desire is fulfilled, why should you be hostile towards Indra? Both of you are great. Is it necessary that you should be enemies of each other? Why not both of you live in peace? So far as Indra is concerned, he’s willing to extend his hand of friendship to you.”

“I do not find fault with your suggestion. But Indra can never be trusted. He can commit any sin!” said Vritra.

“No sinner can escape the consequence of his sinful act. Why should you worry on that count? Such thoughts should not stand in the way of your developing good relations between yourselves,” said the messenger.

Vritra agreed to the proposal.

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