Glimpses of The Devi Bhagavatam: 11. A CRITICAL SITUATION



Glimpses of The Devi Bhagavatam: 11. A CRITICAL SITUATION

The queen of Kasi tried to convince Princess Sasikala that she was not being wise by choosing Sudarshan for her husband.

Replied the princess: “Mother, you say Sudarshan lives in a forest, and is poor and helpless. You fear that by marrying him I won’t be happy. But, mother, happiness is a state of mind. For me forest is no less beautiful than a palace. Besides, my fate is in the hands of the Divine Mother.”

The queen heaved a great sigh and went and told her husband, King Subahu, what their daughter’s wish was. The good king did not like to disappoint his daughter. He delayed the swayamvara and sent an invitation to Sudarshan.

Sasikala also sent a messenger to the prince in the forest. He met Sudarshan and told him, “Our princess would prefer to die rather than marry anyone else. She wants you to present yourself at the swayamvar without any hesitation.”

Prince Sudarshan expressed his desire to attend the swayamvara to his mother. Queen Manorama was shocked. “No, my son! There’s nobody to come to your rescue, not even a bodyguard, should any danger befall you. King Yudhajit might want the princess to marry his grandson. He spared you once because of his fear of the sage. But once you are away from the forest and you prove yourself a rival to his grandson, he would not spare you!”

“Mother, I feel I’ve divine protection. It is not for nothing that the princess has set her heart upon me. Don’t worry, mother, I’ll return to the forest with glory,” said the prince.

“In that case, my son, let me go with you. I cannot be at peace even for a moment without you,” said the queen.

Prince Sudarshan, along with his mother, got into his chariot and reached Kasi. King Subahu received them with all the courtesy due to a royal guest.

As anticipated by Queen Manorama, King Yudhajit was already there along with his grandson. He was astonished at Sudarashan’s audacity in coming to attend the swayamvara.

Some other invitees were also heard to talk amongst themselves: “How ambitious is Sudarshan! How can he expect the princess to choose a helpless young man living in exile?” King Yudhajit told some of the guests, “If Princess Sasikala would reject my grandson and choose Sudarshan instead, I’ll not brook it quietly. I’ll finish Sudarshan here itself!”

“Yudhajit, such an attitude is not expected of an old and prudent king like you,” said one of the kings. “Isn’t it the privilege of the princess to choose her bridegroom? It is rumoured that you only had deprived Prince Sudarshan of his legitimate right. If you harass him here, the rumour will be proved true. We’re here as guests. Once the princess has made her choice known, we ought to bless the couple and return peacefully.”

“I’ll have no objection to the princess choosing the most worthy among the assembled youths. But why should I tolerate a situation which I personally dislike? Don’t I hail from a warrior dynasty?” asked Yudhajit.

“Old man, doesn’t Prince Sudarshan also come of a warrior dynasty?” commented one of the princes. Some of them laughed. King Subahu appeared on the scene and said, “I had invited you all in keeping with the tradition of the swayamvara; but what I understand is, my daughter has already made her choice. For your information, her choice is Sudarshan.”

Old Yudhajit frowned upon King Subahu and walked out haughtily towards his camp. Those who observed him met Prince Sudarshan and warned him against the old man’s wrath.

“You’ve no kingdom, no army. How then will you stand against the vengeful old king? Better you depart,” they advised him.

Sudarshan listened to them with humility and said, “I thank you for your goodwill. But I’ve come here in full awareness of the dangers I might face. It is true I don’t have any strength in terms of wealth or army. But I’ve a greater strength in my faith in the Divine Mother. Nobody can harm me if She will decide to protect me. It will be unworthy of my status as a prince to leave the assembly because of an unjust, unwise, arrogant old man’s threat. It will be still more unworthy of me as a devotee to lose my faith in the supremacy of the Divine Mother’s protection. So, I’ve decided to go through any ordeal.”

“Bravo, O Prince! We wish you the best,” said his well-wishers.

“I’m grateful to you for your sympathy for me. If I’m destined to die, no human help can stop my death. My father and grandfather died because they were destined to die. It is only the Divine Grace that can change human destiny,” said Sudarshan.

The swayamvara took place the next day. Many of the assembled princes were unaware who would be the charming Sasikala’s choice. And those who knew had their misgivings about the aftermath.

Accompanied by her maids, Princess Sasikala soon emerged from the palace. The guests were charmed by her beauty and graceful gait.

Suddenly the princess stopped behind a pillar. King Subahu went near her and said, “My child, why do you stop here? Come into the hall. The princess will be introduced to you one by one. There are so many of them, all scions of illustrious dynasties.”

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