The Story of Ganesa: 7. A competition between brothers | INDIAN MYTHOLOGY


The Story of Ganesa: 1. The advent of an incarnation | INDIAN MYTHOLOGY
The Story of Ganesa: 7. A competition between brothers| INDIAN MYTHOLOGY

The Story of Ganesa: 7. A competition between brothers

One day, Sage Narada was on his way to Kailas. He was accosted by Kundakamukhi, a yakshini.  She teased him. "Osage, will you marry me?"

"Why do you want to marry me?" the sage responded with a mischievous smile. "I've already earned enough ill-fame as one who curries tales and causes quarrels between friends!".

“Ho! Ho!” the woman took it lightly. "For that matter, I'm also an adept at pitting friend against friend!"

The two of them saw Vighneswara and Kumara coming their way. The brothers were in a playful mood and were walking hand in hand. "Do you think you can make the brothers quarrel with each other?'" Narada challenged Kundakamukhi.

"A big deal!" remarked the yakshini, "Just you wait!" She straight away jumped into a nearby pond and emerged as a golden lotus. “I've blossomed for the sake of the sons of Parvati and Paramasiva,” she declared.

"Let me have the golden lotus!" Kumara extended his hand to take it.

"You're younger to me, Kumara,'' said Vighneswara. "Therefore, I've the right over the lotus. “He then tried to catch the lotus.

"I don't deny that you're elder to me, Ganesa,'' pleaded Kumara, ''but please let me have the flower. After all, as one older than I, you can be considerate to me. I'm taking the flower!"

Vigbneswara then caught hold of Kumara's hand to prevent him from grabbing the golden lotus. Kumara raised the other hand to hit Ganesa, when be pm bis trunk around Kuma r a' s waist and held him aloft.

On seeing the scuffle between the brothers, Narada went up to them and said, "Stop fighting and come to a settlement."

Kumara came out with a suggestion. "Whoever goes round the universe and comes back first will claim the golden lotus." And he got on his vahana, the peacock.

As he saw Vighneswara not making any attempt to stir out, Narada asked him, “Why are you still here? Don't you want to go round the universe? ° "

"O sage! He's fo1tunate. Poor me, 1 have to go about with my paunch and move on my mount, a mere mouse! How then can l go round the universe? Let my brother take the golden lotus."

By then Siva and Parvati came there in search of their sons. Vighneswara went round them thrice and then smiled at Narada. While the sage was engaged ill conversation with Siva and Parvati, Kumara returned. Vighneswara caught hold of his hand and said, "Brother, you look tired after the long journey. Though I've won in the contest, you deserve the golden lotus. Take it."

Kumara was surprised to bear that his elder brother had come back after going round the universe earlier than he. “How was that possible?" he asked of Vighneswara, looking at Narada at the same time.

"Your brother went round your parents and thereby be had gone around the entire universe!" replied the sage.

They all then heard the chanting from the skies: "Hail Vighneswara! He's the successful one!''

Kumara now realized the significance of what sage Narada had said. He prostrated before Vighneswara. "I acquired divine knowledge after long and arduous meditation," said Kumara. "I now know that you are the very source of all knowledge. I'm but a small atom in front of you, 0 Vighneswara! I shall now go to fight Tarakasura. Please bless me!"

Vighneswara helped Kumara to get up. "Banish all thoughts that I am big and you are small. You have been born to carry out a specific assignment. It was to achieve that objective that our parents married and you were born. It has already been ordained that you will be victorious over Tarakasura. You are Subrahmanya.  Go and come back victorious!"

Kumara then dressed himself as the army chief of the devas.

Meanwhile Kubera, who was the overlord of all yakshis and yakshinis, was pulling up Kundakamukhi. ''What after all did you achieve by pitting brother against brother? You'll be born as a thorny shrub!"

On her pleading with Kubera, he told her that she would come out of the curse when she would be blessed by Vighneswara.

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